Pilates for kids

"First educate the child"
Joseph Pilates, 1934
The primary aim of Pilates is to strengthen the deepest muscles of our core to generate more efficient body movements.
With the practice of Pilates, muscles become stronger and more flexible; coordination and balance are also improved, allowing better body posture. Practising Pilates regularly helps to prevent back, neck and joint pain creating a general feeling of wellbeing.
For children, Pilates assists with their physical and emotional development. On the physical side, Pilates is an excellent tool for kids to become aware of their bodies, increasing their balance and coordination as they grow. By practising Pilates, their muscles become more flexible and stronger, allowing healthy growth and the development of their musculoskeletal system. The creation of a balanced body improves sports performance and prevents injuries.

Alternatively, practising Pilates develops children’s interpersonal skills through interaction with their classmates during exercise sessions; this also increases their confidence and self-esteem; the latter being particularly important in the adolescence stage.
For the youngest children, Pilates helps to build up their self-assurance in the performance of the exercises by creating patterns of motion and using their imagination; this also allows increasing their attention span, thus developing their concentration skills.