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Healthy habits: long-life tools

A habit is something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it; James Clear (author of the best seller: Atomic Habits) defines habits as the small decisions one makes and actions one performs regularly. We all have heard that "it is important to create good habits" But, what is the fuss behind this? Why would we even bother?

Research shows* that up to 40 per cent of our behaviours and things we do daily are, in fact, habits, which means that we spend almost half our lives repeating ourselves. Habits are powerful because they reprogram our brain to make us experience mental cravings we need to satisfy (like to take a shower before bed); hence they get automatised and grow stronger over time, and that's why they are hard to break. So, now it makes sense!

Can you imagine spending half of your days making poor decisions because you are not aware of what you are doing? Or worse, doing something harmful to you without noticing it? The habits you choose to follow, whether good or bad, will shape your life. If you adopt the practice of positive self-talk, chances are you will become a positive person. If you have a habit of skipping meals to lose weight, you might end up binge eating.

It is not a secret that kids mirror the behaviours they observe as it is by repeating that they learn. As caregivers, creating and adopting healthy habits will reflect on the children around us.

Nowadays, children spend more time at home; the timing is perfect for promoting practices that lead to behavioural improvement. To adopt a daily routine with settled eating, learning, exercising, and sleeping times and rituals are part of the healthy habits you can practise with your children. These good habits will lay the foundation of your children's future selves; while allowing them to have more security in the things they do, as they would know what to do, how to do it and when.

Our mission is to stress the importance of exercising as part of the family’s healthy habits. Remember that we need at least 60 minutes per day of active exercise. Think of all the problems and hassles you will save to your children in their future and the auto-confidence they will develop if you inspire them to exercise for life.

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* Society for Personality and Social Psychology: How we form habits, change existing ones [online]. Available at:


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